


プロジェクト名:Vertical Village:





According to the current urbanization process, the rise of high-rise buildings and residential towers will definitely be ushered in soon. This design concept will not only retain the overall layout of the surrounding gardens, but also develop it into a landmark building in this area by making it a model of architecture. Thing.

Achieve a higher fit between the building and the natural environment, and make the roads within the building visible.

To accomplish this, blocks of miniature space were designed and then scattered in a labyrinth-like disk-like layout, creating a central space that responded to the concept of privacy and habitability.

This hierarchical design from the inside out allows people to interact outdoors.







According to IFC data, more than half of the electricity consumed by the construction industry is used for heating, cooling and lighting globally, accounting for 28% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

By 2030, the potential investment in urban green buildings in emerging markets is estimated at $ 24.7 trillion. This is mainly due to the sharp increase in construction and opportunities to ensure that these buildings are green in the next decade.











The quality of hydraulic oil has a large impact on the hydraulic brick machine. The failure of the brick press is largely caused by the hydraulic oil. When purchasing, you should choose high-quality 46 anti-wear hydraulic oil. Replace it every 120 days in the future. At the same time, cleaning the fuel tank is also critical. The secondary fuel tank should be cleaned in 10 days, 1 month, and 6 months. Iron filings in the fuel tank of the new equipment enter the oil circuit. The damage is relatively large; the cooler is used to cool the hydraulic oil. The cooling water should be selected below 20 degrees of circulating water. Softening treatment is required. The untreated water will deposit a layer of calcium on the inner surface of the cooler, affecting the cooling fruit. It is a regular inspection: oil filters, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic valves, sealing elements, oil pipes, etc., will age or be damaged for a long time, and they should be replaced or repaired if they fail. The screws of the equipment that work for a long time will also loosen and should be tightened every month. In short, use and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the equipment manual.

Hydraulic forming machine parts maintenance

Brick machine equipment maintenance

a. Check the bolt tightness of each part of the brick machine every day, especially the oscillator part. The vibration motor skin needs to be checked often. If there are scenes such as wear and slip, it should be replaced in time. The belt is too worn. Should be replaced in a timely manner;

b. The main part of the brick machine production is the mold. The mold affects the quality of the product bricks. When the production is carried out, it takes time to ensure that the mold is clean and does not stick to the material. It must be checked at any time. To replace the mold, it is necessary to prevent it from falling suddenly when it is suspended by a rope at the time of the replacement;






c. Carefully adjust the clearance, including the distance between the indenter and the mold core, the indenter and the moving plane of the material cart, the mold frame and the wire plate. The relative movement must not be dry and rubbing;

d. When cleaning the molds daily, use an air compressor and soft things to remove concrete residues. It is strictly forbidden to hit or pry the molds by gravity;

e. The replaced mold should be clean, oil-proof and rust-proof. It should be placed flat on a boring, flat place to avoid gravity deformation.

Touch screen maintenance

The touch screen maintenance of the device is also very important. The following requirements must be met:

a. Do not open the rear shell of the touch screen of the hydraulic brick machine.

b. Do not place magnets, motors and other magnetic objects near the touch screen.














3. Under the condition that the system works normally, the pressure of the hydraulic pump should be adjusted as much as possible, and the pressure of the back pressure valve should be reduced as much as possible to reduce energy loss and heat;

4. In order to prevent dust and water from falling into the fuel tank, the container should be kept clean and regularly maintained;

5. The fuel tank liquid level should always be kept high enough to allow the oil in the system to have sufficient circulating cooling conditions, keep the oil tank, oil pipes and other equipment clean and help heat dissipation. A normal oil temperature of 30 ° C to 55 ° C is a suitable temperature. Long service life, long service life, oil temperature over 60 ℃, shortened service life by 8 ℃;







In order to solve the problem of product packaging and transportation, some equipment manufacturing enterprises have developed manual packaging and semi-automatic packaging equipment with trays. Although this can meet the needs of some packaging, it cannot reduce the labor intensity of workers, nor can it solve the problem of difficult employment of enterprises. Pallet recycling has become a new issue. Therefore, manual and semi-automatic palletized packaging equipment cannot meet the needs of customers, and autoclaved wall materials companies are still developing hard.

2.The birth of fully automatic no-pallet packaging unit



Fully automatic no-pallet packaging technology is a finished product packaging processing technology that extends at the back end of the autoclaved wall material production process line. It packs and stacks the products after the autoclave, which greatly reduces the damage of finished products during loading, unloading, storage, and transportation. It solves the problem that the end-packing, storage, and transportation of autoclaved wall material enterprises cannot be automated, and the trend of automated packaging, packaging, and transportation of autoclaved wall material products has been well received by users.






1.かさ密度:AACボードのかさ密度は軽い(絶対乾燥)Y0 = 600-700Kg / m3、乾燥密度は赤レンガの1/3、コンクリートの1/4、乾燥密度は水より軽い、と呼ばれます水に浮かぶコンクリート;



3.断熱性:この材料は、優れた断熱性能を備えているだけでなく、熱伝導率がわずか0.11〜0.16W / mkであるだけでなく、優れた断熱性能も備えています[蓄熱係数S = 2.75W(m2.k)]。使用時厚さが適度であれば、断熱性の高い寒冷地だけでなく、省エネ基準を満たす暑い夏と暖かい冬、暑い夏と寒い冬の地域でも使用できます。


5.耐火性:AACシートは、耐火性に優れた不燃性無機材料です。ウォールボードとして、100枚の厚板の耐火性> 3時間。150枚の厚板> 4時間; 50枚の厚板保護鋼梁> 4時間; どちらも一流の耐火基準を超えています。





9.軟化係数:高い軟化係数、Rw / Ro = 0.88;








17. AACボードを使用すると、通気ブロックを使用する場合と比較して、装飾コストを15%以上削減できます。





まず、気泡コンクリートパネルの開発 気泡コンクリート自体の品質と機能の向上に焦点を当てています。気泡コンクリートシートは、主に外壁の断熱に使用されます。機能要件の観点から、低密度、高強度、高断熱性能、および低乾燥収縮を備えた気泡コンクリート製品を使用する必要があります。この要件は、本質的に、気泡コンクリートの品質の根深い問題です。日本の関連する気泡コンクリート会社を視察しました。これらの会社のほとんどすべての気泡コンクリート外壁パネルはグレード05の気泡コンクリートを使用しており、標準強度は4MPaを超えています(実際の工場出荷時の強度は約4.35MPaで、一部は4.5MPaに達しています)。スラブ製造用のコンクリートは、気泡コンクリートブロックよりも高いです。この要件は、スラブの建物建設機能を満たすだけでなく、気泡コンクリートには棒鋼が装備されているため、通気を強化するためにも必要です。コンクリートと鋼がグリップし、鋼の長期腐食を防ぎます。グレード06またはグレード07の気泡コンクリートが床や屋根パネルに使用されていますが、あまり一般的ではありません。

The aerated concrete blocks used for exterior walls in our country have a strength of 2.5 MPa or 3.5 MPa for grade 05 blocks. In order to prevent cracking, it is required that the blocks have a strength of 5 MPa. Therefore, they have to produce grade 06 or 07 aerated concrete. Most bulk density They are all in the range of 680 kg / m3 to 730 kg / m3, and some even reach the 08 level. This is inconsistent with the development direction of aerated concrete. There are three problems in the development of aerated concrete:

First, due to the multi-use of raw materials (especially high-quality quartz sand and high selling price of lime), production costs have greatly increased. In the long run, it is difficult to maintain.

The second is the production of 06 or 07 grade products, whose insulation performance is significantly reduced. Without increasing the wall thickness, it is actually difficult to meet the local building energy-saving design standards.

Third, the thickness of the wall must be increased in order to achieve energy conservation standards, resulting in increased construction costs. Therefore, only the production of aerated concrete with a density of 05 or below and a strength above 4 MPa can truly exert its excellent thermal insulation performance, meet local energy-saving standards, save raw materials, and reduce production and construction costs.

At present, most of China’s aerated concrete slabs are grade 05, 3.5 MPa concrete, which may not meet the requirements of frost resistance in cold and severe regions, and are prone to cracking and hollowing in hot summer and cold winter regions or hot summer and winter warm regions. , Peeling and other disadvantages, from the perspective of long-term use stability, it may be necessary to further increase its strength and reduce its dry shrinkage value.

Therefore, I suggest that the technical innovation focus of aerated concrete companies is to develop high-strength, low-density aerated concrete. For the production of aerated concrete external wall insulation boards, the strength of the bulk density of grade 05 must be above 4MPa, and its shrinkage value also needs to be Lowering, while strengthening the rust prevention treatment of steel bars. The high-quality development of aerated concrete is not just a matter of requiring a 4.8-meter cutting machine. Of course, according to the current situation of China’s aerated concrete plants, in order to develop low-density, high-strength aerated concrete, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive system transformation from improving the quality of raw materials to the updating of process equipment technology.


Third, focus on strengthening the technological transformation of equipment and increasing the curing temperature and pressure of autoclaves. The autoclaved temperature and pressure of aerated concrete in China are mostly 1.2 MPa to 1.3 MPa, and the corresponding temperature range is 190 ° C to 195 ° C. The hydration products generated under this temperature and pressure have not been fully crystallized. For many years, there is an inaccurate understanding in the aerated concrete industry. It is believed that as long as CSH hydration products are generated, regardless of the type, quantity and form of Tobmorite, it is considered to be aerated concrete with good performance. Low autoclave, in fact, at different temperatures and pressures, there are many hydrated products of tobomolite, which have colloidal, needle-like crystals, plate-like crystals, and plate-like crystals. These waters The types and quantities of chemical products in the mixture are different, and their effects on the performance of aerated concrete vary widely. In Germany and abroad, the autoclaved temperature and pressure of aerated concrete must not be lower than 1.5MPa and 203 ℃. According to the experimental research on physical and chemical properties, only under such a high pressure (temperature), the silica and calcium oxide in the material can fully perform the hydration reaction to produce C4S5H5 crystals (hard silicon calcium with good crystallinity and plate shape). Stone), and the quantity is sufficient, which constitutes a product with low shrinkage value and high strength. Therefore, in order to produce external wall insulation boards, existing aerated concrete enterprises in China must also upgrade the autoclave equipment with lower pressure at the same time. This is an important measure for aerated concrete enterprises to achieve real upgrading.

Two points need to be paid attention to: First, for aerated concrete-type lightweight materials, when evaluating its strength index, it must correspond to its associated density, instead of just indicating the strength regardless of the density. Second, due to the large difference in silica content between fly ash and quartz sand, coupled with the complex composition of quicklime in China, the effective content of calcium oxide is relatively low. According to experimental research, fly ash aerated concrete and sand aerated concrete The hydration products are not exactly the same. Under the same density, the product’s water absorption and drying shrinkage value are significantly different. Therefore, when developing fly ash aerated concrete slabs, we must pay more attention to the raw material composition and technical strictness. check.

Actively develop prefabricated building boards

In the past, we have repeatedly emphasized that wall material innovation is not a simple replacement of solid clay bricks. Its ultimate goal is to improve building functions, including the development of energy-efficient buildings, the promotion of technological progress in the construction industry, and the modernization of the construction industry. Prefabricated building is an important part of the industrialization of construction. It includes the industrialization of the production of building components and the assembly of construction and installation. Therefore, the development of prefabricated buildings has the advantages mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the production of building components including building boards, Adopting advanced industrialized production technology to ensure product quality performance and use functions, the company achieves the purpose of improving quality and efficiency, and saving raw materials. The second is to use advanced mechanized construction technology to assemble on site to greatly improve construction efficiency and reduce project cost. Both of these are indispensable, no matter from the development process of residential industrialization or construction industrialization in Europe, America or Japan.


It is incumbent on wall material companies to develop advanced production technology and new structural types of fabricated building boards. In 1996, the “Notice on the Cooperation of Construction and Construction Materials Departments to Promote the Modernization of Residential Buildings” jointly issued by the former Ministry of Construction and the State Building Materials Bureau emphasized that with the breakthrough of wall materials to promote the modernization of the residential industry, it can be considered that the research and development of building board production Technology is a strength of the wall material industry. Over the years, many wall materials companies have laid a good technical foundation in the development of building wall panels, such as ceramsite concrete hollow slabs, aerated concrete slabs, GRC lightweight hollow slabs, industrial ash concrete Quality partition board, gypsum board, autoclaved fiber cement board, etc. Therefore, in terms of panel technology innovation, in addition to further improving the existing wall panel quality and process technology level, wall material companies can learn from the prestressed tensioning process technology currently popular in Europe, America and Japan to develop and develop prestressed concrete hollow panels. Including insulated composite hollow plates. Through extensive investigations abroad, this process technology not only greatly reduces the weight of the slab, but also improves the quality and performance of the slab product, and improves the strength and crack resistance of the slab concrete. Compared with ordinary reinforced concrete, it can save at least 20% of the concrete. % ~ 25%, saving steel by 25% ~ 40%, the hole ratio can be up to 45.8%, and the weight can be reduced by 30% ~ 40%. It can be used for interior and exterior wall panels, floor slabs, roof panels, and large-span floor slabs. Used in public buildings (schools, conference halls, halls) and industrial buildings. Because of its connection method, beard tendons are used for banding or welding, and the micro-expanding fast hard cement mortar is poured, which greatly enhances the integrity and stability of the house structure.

It needs to be emphasized here that some people may say that China’s production and application of prestressed concrete hollow slabs in the 1970s were generally unsuccessful, so they mistakenly believe that China’s development of prestressed concrete hollow slabs is not suitable for prefabricated buildings. This is a kind of misunderstanding. In foreign countries, regardless of the European and American countries or Japan, the prefabricated buildings of steel or reinforced concrete structures all use prestressed concrete plates as floor or wall panels, and they are even used as non-beam or column-type building structures. As for the unsuccessful application of prestressed concrete hollow slabs in the 1970s, it was because the production process technology was not perfect at that time. The prestressed steel bars were stretched on the movable formwork and the concrete was vibrated on the shaking table. The vibration caused the two forms of the formwork. The prestressed steel reinforcement pin at the end is loose, the prestress fails, and the quality of the plate fails to meet the functional requirements. In addition, the construction technology uses non-joint overlap, and the installation technology is backward. Therefore, this does not mean that the prestressed concrete hollow plate is not suitable. Prefabricated buildings, foreign prefabricated buildings use a large number of advanced prestressed concrete hollow slabs to fully prove this.

The development of prestressed reinforced concrete hollow building boards is an advanced technology for the production of building components. At present, there are two ways to develop this technology in China. One is that conditional enterprises can develop independently and build on the existing prestressed tensioning technology in China. , To carry out the experimental development of prestressed tensioned hollow slabs; the second is to introduce key foreign equipment technology and related auxiliary equipment to support domestically, based on the introduction of high-level localization. Both of these approaches are possible. The key is that companies must carefully analyze and research the actual needs of the local construction market and the development of prefabricated buildings, determine development goals and technical routes, and actively carry out experimental research to develop new types suitable for China’s national conditions. Prefabricated building board and its advanced production technology.




Jiang Wei, general manager of Beibo Silicon Nest, introduced that Silicon Nest is a new material produced by using special thermoforming technology based on the strong research and development capabilities of Beibo, using tailings waste as raw materials. Hive, hence the name “silicon nest”. Using the silicon nest unit curtain wall composed of this material, the actual weight is only about 1/4 of the prefabricated concrete member, which can be flexibly applied to the unit curtain wall system and prefabricated building system. This type of curtain wall has both the characteristics of exterior decoration and solid wall, and makes the building’s exterior wall more colorful, more energy-saving and thermal insulation, and more economical and applicable.

「BeiboSiliconNestのユニークな新技術システムとして、Silicon Nestプロジェクトは、基本材料、製造プロセス、製品アプリケーションの3次元で包括的に革新し、堅固な壁のアプリケーションにおけるさまざまな問題を解決し、業界のギャップを埋めました。」同社の会長でBeiboSiliconNestのGaoXueming氏は語った。


In order to solve the problems of high energy consumption and pollutant emission of silicon nest production, this project is the first in the world to apply the electric heating three-layer roller kiln technology. Compared with traditional gas heating, the finished product produced by this technology has more uniform foaming, The overall performance is better, and the whole process is pollution-free. Through subsequent interconnections with various devices of the intelligent automated production line, the production line started this time can also form cyclic manufacturing production, which can meet the process requirements for continuous production of silicon nest boards, achieve continuous and efficient cyclic manufacturing production, and greatly reduce labor costs.

Solving the problem of tailings recycling and achieving pollution-free life cycle is also a major feature of the project. The production materials of silicon nest are solid waste mainly composed of aeolian sand, silt, tailings, coal gangue, etc., which solves the related recycling problems. After the application is dismantled, all such products can be recovered, crushed and reused, and because the recycled materials are melted clinker, the energy consumption of the production process can be further reduced.




技術標準」が業界標準として承認され、CJJ /番号が付けられました。 T134-2019であり、2019年11月1日付けで実施されます。元の業界標準「建設廃棄物処理の技術仕様」(CJJ134-2009)も同時に廃止されました。




Different from traditional construction methods, prefabricated buildings will assemble a large number of prefabricated components at the factory link. The construction process is similar to “building blocks”, and construction work will be completed by building prefabricated components. The advantage of this construction method is that it can improve the quality of the project, shorten the construction period, and also reduce environmental pollution.

After years of intensive cultivation, Broad Living, which was established in 2006, has developed into China’s largest PC component manufacturer and PC production equipment manufacturer, occupying market shares of 13.0% and 38.3%, respectively. Its business involves the midstream and upstream of the industry and is in the leading position in the industry .

The domestic assembly and construction market is still a blue ocean

Favorable policies promote the rapid growth of assembly buildings. The “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” Prefabricated Building Action Plan launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China in February 2017 clearly stated that by 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the country will exceed 15% of new buildings and 30% by 2025. Following it is another trillion-level market. According to estimates by the Institute of Foresight Industry, it is estimated that by 2025, the scale of China’s fabricated building market will reach more than 1.5 trillion yuan.

データによると、Broad Living Groupは主に、グローバリゼーション、大規模でプロフェッショナルでインテリジェントなプレハブ建築の製造とサービスを含む、中国の建設工業化のための全体的なソリューションを提供しています。その事業範囲は、主にPC部品製造、PC製造装置製造、建設ゼネコンの3つの主要なセクションに焦点を当てています。2019年4月末現在、PC部品製造およびPC生産設備製造事業の売上高は、当期の総売上高の88%を占めています。







Broad Livingは、建物の近代化の概念をエクスポートして実装しました。ブロードリビングの現在の総合的な協力目標には、不動産開発業者、建設業者、設計機関、政府のプラットフォーム企業が含まれ、その中には万科企業、カントリーガーデン、中国建設、中国建築科学研究院、狭西能源集団などが含まれると理解されています。影響力のある企業や機関です。

Zhongtai Internationalは、BroadLivingのPCコンポーネント事業の収益は今後数年間成長し続けると予想されていると述べました。Broad Livingは、国内で最大の市場シェアを持ち、完全な技術システム、ブランドプレミアム、および顧客の利点を備えています。それは確固たる市場リーダーの地位と明確な将来の競争上の優位性を持っています。






Tang Fen氏によると、今後もBroad Labor Unionは、PC工場への投資、デジタルプラットフォームのアップグレード、戦略的顧客への注力、「Broad Alliance」の実施という、5つの主要な戦略に引き続き注力していきます。海外市場拡大を計画。










Zhao Bing, Secretary-General of the Professional Committee on Wall Material Innovation of the China Circular Economy Association, hosted the forum on October 11, and He Qinlong, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology and Standards, Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Construction, delivered a speech. Ke Weidong, secretary general of the National Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Alliance, head of the discipline of the State Key Laboratory of Silicate, and researcher Wu Shouwei of Wuhan University of Technology, and Liu Yi, group technical director of Zhejiang Hangjiazetong Building Energy-saving New Materials Co., Ltd. respectively gave the topics as “Analysis of the aerated concrete industry situation and safe and high-quality green wall solutions”, “Technical guarantee for the production of high-quality aerated concrete products”, “Analysis of the advantages of aerated concrete products in fabricated buildings” Li Guozhu, deputy director of the Institute of Science and Technology Development of China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd., and Li Jianmin, chief engineer and professor-level senior engineer of the Henan Academy of Building Sciences, respectively interpreted the “Green Building Evaluation Standards” and the national and local standards for aerated concrete . Andre Antonio, general manager of Aircrete from Europe, shared advanced production and application technology of aerated concrete.

At the meeting, the chairman of the National Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Technology Innovation Strategic Cooperation Alliance, Luo Kezuo, read out the decision to add Henan Xing’an New Building Materials Co., Ltd. as the vice chairman unit of the alliance. The National Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Technology Innovation Strategic Cooperation Alliance, Henan Xing’an New Building Materials Co., Ltd., and Henan Chengyuan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. also signed a letter of intent on strategic cooperation for “jointly creating an autoclaved aerated concrete green wall project”. .

The meeting also organized a green production and application observation of aerated concrete, and held the launching ceremony of aerated concrete green wall project. At the production plant, the participants watched with interest the aerated concrete pilot line (micro-experimental production line), provincial technology center and production site of Henan Xing’an New Building Materials Co., Ltd. The company’s standardized management and technological innovation made everyone Eye-opener. It is reported that the refueling pilot line of Xing’an Company is the first (and currently the only one) in China.

At the launching ceremony of the autoclaved aerated concrete green wall project, Liu Guocun, the deputy director of Zhengzhou Construction Energy Saving and Prefabricated Building Development Center, and representatives of the parties and event organizers who jointly created the autoclaved aerated concrete green wall pilot project. The persons in charge jointly unveiled the “Jointly Establishing Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Green Wall Pilot Project”. Deputy Director Liu Guocun said at the ceremony that it is a requirement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to promote green construction, promote green construction methods, and create building quality demonstration projects. Only good wall materials without good construction methods cannot form good walls. “Jointly creating an autoclaved aerated concrete green wall project” is doing practical and good things for the society and the people. It is hoped that all parties concerned will cooperate closely to provide good experience for the comprehensive promotion of aerated concrete dry construction of green walls in the future and summarize new models.

During the subsequent autoclaved aerated concrete block and plate application observation meeting, the participants watched the “wet construction” of ordinary blocks and the “dry construction” of high-quality blocks. In addition to the differences in products, supporting materials, construction methods, and construction tools, there are also significant differences in the thickness of masonry crevices and plastering. Practice has shown that walls with “dry construction” that are accurate in size and excellent in performance for aerated concrete blocks can effectively prevent common building quality problems such as hollowing, cracking, and leakage of the wall, and the wall can be self-insulated. No additional thermal insulation structure is needed for the external wall to achieve the combination of enclosure and energy saving, which can meet the energy-saving requirements of the building, and can fundamentally solve the technical problems of the external wall composite insulation layer being easy to fall off, hidden fire hazards, and short service life. . In addition, it has higher wall quality and overall performance and construction efficiency than ordinary “wet construction” blocks. It can also reduce resource consumption and reduce engineering costs by more than 10%.

In “Study on Application Technology and Marketing Strategy of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Production”, Andrea Antonio, General Manager of Aircrete, and Liu Yi, Group Technical Director of Zhejiang Hangjiazetong Building Energy-saving New Material Co., Ltd. In-depth analysis of concrete production and application technology and corporate marketing management, interactive interaction of all members, case sharing, integration of lectures and discussions, combination of theory and practice. Everyone generally thinks that the seminars focus on pain points, make up for shortcomings, take the pulse, and ground the atmosphere. This is the most in-depth and effective seminar in the industry, and one session is better than the other.

この一連の活動の共催者は、河南壁材産業協会、鄭州土木協会壁材支部、河南新安新建材株式会社、商秋民安建材株式会社、および河南成源建設工学株式会社このイベントはまた、鄭州市建築エネルギー効率およびプレハブ建築開発センター、中国循環経済協会壁材料革新作業委員会、中国建築研究所株式会社、グリーン建材評価センター、エアクリートを受賞しました。ヨーロッパDaMechanical&Electrical Co.、Ltd.、Dongyue Machinery Co.、Ltd.、Shandong Tebot Building Technology Co.、Ltd。(TBT)などのユニットが強力にサポートしています。