Educación del corazón de las montañas, amor encendido sueños

El 2 de junio de 2018, representantes de 30 miembros de la asociación de voluntarios de la industria pesada metalúrgica de China fueron a la escuela primaria shiqiao, ciudad de dongwangzhuang, condado de yiyang para llevar a cabo actividades de ayuda benéfica. En esta actividad, la asociación de voluntarios de MCC no solo trajo nuevas computadoras, impresoras, equipos de proyección, canchas de baloncesto y otras instalaciones a la escuela para mejorar el nivel de hardware de enseñanza, sino que también trajo ropa nueva, bolsas nuevas, papelería nueva, materiales de lectura extracurriculares, pasteles y otros artículos para estudiantes de primaria.

Attended this activity has the dong wang zhuangxiang shi qiao village branch secretary, the village director and the school related leadership. Activities at the beginning, China metallurgical heavy volunteers association sea element sensitivity on behalf of the association of China metallurgical heavy industry group chairman sunny, and the company all staff in a speech, love expressed deep greetings and care for the children, and encourage the children to study hard, worked hard, in the future become a pillars just, positive promotion for weak due to the traditional virtue of Chinese people, will be the «love the baton» forever.

On behalf of all the teachers and students, the principal, hu yuhui, gave a thank you speech on behalf of the volunteers, saying that the school should make efforts to make good use of donated resources, improve teaching quality, enrich students’ activities in and out of class, and encourage teachers and students to return to the society with hard work and excellent academic performance, and live up to the ardent expectations of the caring people. Sun yujie, an outstanding student from shiqiao primary school, delivered a touching speech, saying that we should strive to become stronger and learn hard. When we grow up, we should use our own efforts to help others and relay our love.

Wei ying, general secretary of zhongye heavy industry volunteer association, accepted the «heart of the mountain education, great love lit dreams» pennant presented by President hu on behalf of the school. Subsequently, the student representatives presented the leaders and members of the volunteer association with red scarves in high regard.

At the end of the ceremony, the volunteers took soccer, basketball, table tennis, rope skipping and chess as groups, and led the children to carry out wonderful activities. While teaching through entertainment, they also guided the children to learn about the world with love, and opened up their minds to please themselves and others.

Un goteo de manantiales de entrada de agua, partículas de arena se reunieron en una torre. Creemos firmemente que el amor iluminará la esperanza y cultivará la vida perfecta. Mientras tengamos buenas intenciones y las pongamos en práctica, nuestra sociedad será más armoniosa y bella.

Nota: la escuela primaria shiqiao de la ciudad de dong wangzhuang, condado de yiyang, se encuentra en un área remota del condado de yiyang, a 20 kilómetros de la ciudad del condado, y es una escuela primaria en un pequeño número de áreas empobrecidas y remotas en la ciudad de luoyang. En la actualidad, hay cuatro clases con 101 estudiantes y 5 maestros.