The advantage of self-leveling gypsum underlayments
In construction, self-leveling underlayments are essential to a floor’s strength and stability. Underlayments are poured over distressed concrete or concrete planks to provide a solid base for overlaying floor components. Self-leveling gypsum underlayments provide your floor with longevity and strength.
Gypsum floors are a modern improvement on traditional concrete underlayments. With its durable strength and ease of installation, gypsum cement underlayments are an excellent choice.
Gypsum cement underlayments offer many benefits over traditional underlayments. Traditional concrete requires an extended timeframe to cure and may shrink during that process. Gypcrete flooring will reach its maximum strength within hours, and it slightly expands during the hydration process. Gypsum products will last longer, as they will withstand years of traffic and have less tendency to crumble under hard finished flooring products.